Monday, July 28, 2014

Masters Event 5 - "2007"

Congratulations to the 2014 Fittest on Earth!
"Fourging" Elite Fitness [article]
For time:
Row 1,000 meters
then, 5 rounds of
25 Pull-ups
7 Push Jerks, 135/85

Post time to comments.

Replay of Masters 2007 event on

Masters Scales
Men and Women 40-49: 135/85
Men and Women 50-59: 125/75
Men and Women 60+: 115/65


bill said...


bill said...

Almost forgot - 8:20 2000 meter row.
I might could have gotten under 8 but then Coach would have expected it every time.

Puma said...

What are the Masters' Scales for the pullups?

bill said...

P....Same as RX but pack is just 3 rounds. Or you could do as I did and row 2000 yds and then spend the rest of the WOD time pretending to be doing something constructive on the GHD.

Carport Crossfit said...

Tomorrow's WOD is

EMOM for 10 min. Choose a challenging weight. Use perfect form.
3 Deadlifts
2 Power Cleans
1 Front Squat
1 Deadlift
2 Power cleans
3 Front Squats

*on odd numbered minutes perform the 3-2-1 sequence, even numbered minutes perform the 1-2-3 sequence.


3 x 2min AMRAPs. Rest 1 min between AMRAPs.
10 Deadlifts, weight of your choice
As many WB as possible, 20/14

Score is (DL load)(total WB reps).
Scoring example:
10 DL @ 200#
100 WB
Score is (200)(100)=20,000

Puma said...

Ran Pack (3RFT) @115#. 18:13 min

Tabata sit-ups: 72 PR