Thursday, July 30, 2015

Bench Press, C2B Pull-ups

5 rounds
Max reps bench press, load of your choice, immediately followed by
Max reps chest-to-bar pull-ups

Change weights as needed. Score is (bench press reps + pull-up reps) x (BP load). Post score to comments. Compare to 9/24/14.


Judy Ranelli said...

75 lbs, 20/15/15/16/16; supine ring rows, 6/6/6/9/6. 155x75 = 8625

Judy Ranelli said...

...the supine ring rows this time were with my feet on a 24" box. So they were a lot harder! Thanks for the encouragement coach and friends.

Puma said...

165# 17/2
175# 14/4
185# 9/4
195# 4/5
205# 3/3 = 12,025